Saturday, 23 January 2010

Spiritual medicine

Quantum homeopathy is a very complicated medicine but it can be explained in easy way.
If someone is ill, there is usually some "error" in his brain which makes the body ill.
Ussually due to non harmonic thinking which can have roots somewhere is past.
And for that person can be very hard to change this program.

Then there is time for quantum homeopathy, medicine made by Creator, the one who knows every person perfectly.
He can do any medicine, so why quantum homeopathy?
It is a bit work with vibrations and informations of body.
If there is very negative energy and information, what is needed is opposite vibration in possitive quality.
And it has to be very hight. By normal homeopathy you take herbs for example and mix it with watter 1:9 and you have potency D1. Then you mix it again to have D2 and continue for example to potency D200, where is not any herb anymore, but information and energy is there in much subtle quality. And it is much stronger. It is like if you put whole rock in a small piece of send.
In quantum homeopathy we can have potency even D 1000 000. It is so hight vibration that you can not be in touch normally. Then it is good if you have it in bottle and use it for healing.
The very hight information and energy is including possitive program for your mind and body, something like "antivirus program", which can change disharmonic way of thinking and give you energetic support.
This medicine activate a new energy in your system and provide it as long as is needed.
You will receive program of mind which you are supposed to have, kind of 'archetype mind of your soul'.

One of our main problem is, that we want to live certain life, but it does not work, becouse we are too far from it in terms of body and mind vibrations. We live in pain, dreaming about love, but it is not comming. There is too big gap between our reality and our aim.
This medicine can conect you with your aim, with your prefect self and help you to remove many blockages between you and your reall Self.

What is the aim of this healing process, that you take medicine with some intention, and Life will of course provide "testing lessons" day you will clearly see that you have changed, becouse you feel or mainly act in different way..where was fear is courage,where was weakness is power..and then you will BELIEVE that you have changed and you dont need any medicine any more.
It is called "quantum leap".

I have experienced many healed people by this medicine, so I believe that it is very hight support in your healing and transformation process.

Quantum homeopathy works with:
Information and energy of our thoughts
Opening and cleaning chakra and meridian system
Activates healing rays of light of many different qualities
Contains "archetype" of our reall mind.
Remove patogens of body
Is able to moove with atoms of body and bring even bones to original shape.

Quantum homeopathy is simply miracle:)

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